Monitoring, guiding and supporting traffic on Dutch roads.
Hello! I’m Bryan de Bruin.
An entrepreneur from The Netherlands.
I've had a nomadic soul since I was born, as a kid you always could find me outside, and in wooded areas, like the park, or even the forest. My love for nature has already been within me for as long as I can remember.
As a teenager, I made several solo hikes through Europe. During that time, I've learned the tricks of freelance services, and trading to be able to support myself. In those years I've gained experience in developing websites, copywriting, photography, and filmmaking.
Nowadays, I'm active as an independent entrepreneur and being busy with searching for that perfect photograph..
Once a press photographer. Nowadays alone and undisturbed in nature.
Had one request for filmmaking, never stopped after that.
Monitoring, guiding and supporting traffic on Dutch roads.
Developing sites, marketing campaigns and managing social media.
Website with shop designed, developed and maintained.
Facilitating press photos of current news and writing press articles.
Management of two locations and associated staff.
Establishing radio connections in times of crisis or disaster.
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